how should i show him that i want to have sex now?
we make out for hours at a time and cuddle but whenever he wants to go farther i pull away. hes okay with that and he doesnt try to get me to do anything i dont want to. i love him and he loves me. weve been dating for 2.5 years and i can totally be myself around him. i know that im ready but i dont know what to do without saying anything.
how should i show him that i want to have sex now?
Best answer:
Answer by Sham-Yao You will feel better about yourself if you wait until marriage for sex, knowing that you waited for your spouce
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Having, someone, Making, Between, difference
by yourFAVORITEmartian
Question by andyp:
What is the difference between making out with someone and having sex?
soz, this can seem a little weird but i dont get it. when you make out, you kiss and pash and touch someone's body whne it is also the same with sex. what is the difference??? is there anything different with this?
mine is from 9 weeks and a half and the one (i cannot remember the name of the movie) when he(suspecious of murdering his ex wife and at the end it turns out that his sister killed her,cause she was in love with him. ties the girl with ropes on the table.the whole movie is with such the way,do u remember what was the name of this movie? unfaithful,great i couldn't agree more Risky business?is it the one with tom cruise and the prostitute?if it is i liked the best the scene in the train and the song In the air tonight -phill collins
Best answer:
Answer by skinfleint Basic Instinct (Old) I think there was a lot of passion and steamy real sex in Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas, I remember the punchline,
"Let's f**k like minks, raise rug rats, and stay happy forever".
Basic Instinct-2 was a real dumba** of a movie though.
MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines, where an average of 11 women a day die giving birth, could lower its high maternal death rate by having a reproductive health policy, a visiting United Nations delegation said on Friday.
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A parody of BBC's Planet Earth and homage to humanity by Daveo Mathias. Written, Directed & Produced by Daveo Mathias Sound by Ben Michelsen Habitats Provided by The Dixon, Peter, and Holland households Narrated by David Attenthias
Question by Iâ¥agoodhug: He was so SWEET and into me before ORAL SEX ? Just a player ?
am quite sad because a week ago I had a great 4th date with a guy who was my friend for 2 plus years on the phone and online. i had a boyfriend when he was single and he a couple different gfs when i was single over last 2 years. finally we started dating. i was excited because even though he lives 2 hours away right now , I will be 5 minutes away form him starting august 30th when i move to his city for new job and be closer to other friends and just a more fun city.......... But now after our 4th date I see he IS treating me different he used to call all the time, used to act just sweeter and more gentle towards me. something happened between 3rd and 4th date to change his demeanor. it may because although we didnt have sex i did give him oral. he is rather old fashioned and im crushed that he may be treating me diffrently because of that. I also told him after oral i only feel comfortable doing that in exclusive relationship and never would have intercourse sex outside of one. But since Ive known him FOREVER it didnt seem so dramatic to please him
Anyway its a week after our last date he still hasnt offered to come see me again soon. he had claimed to be working this weekend but it doesnt seem like it. I noticed that he is acting distant ... not emailing me how i am. he last called me on wednesday instead of every 2 days. he didnt reply to my short email friday. instead he texted me back he was great and happy and making waffles yesterday morning. now im getting upset because he ALWAYS sends me little :* texts and on saturday night he left himself signed into AIM im so theres no way to text him on his mobile no reply to a text i sent last night. i get this sinking feeling that he just met someone new.
this is coupled with the fact that he also updated his profile two days after our last date really bothers me..... i asked him about it and he claims it was just for ego boost.... but it seems he is trying really hard to impress NEW girls.
should i just give up and be his friend AFTER time has passed and ive gone no contact to heal????
Best answer:
Answer by Mental PaintShop
Ip address banned on chatroulette? legal trouble?!? so i knjow i sound like a spaz but if chatroulette blocked me for flashing my boobs a few times is that like a big deal and can people find out or something? like big whoop there's dick every other click and i get nexted for showing my boobs just for the fun of it ? hmph. plus wtf happens now am i like marked online as a sex offender or some ****?!
Best answer:
Answer by Kristen No, you're not a sex offender. You were never arrested or accused, you haven't been tried in court, etc. The only way someone would find out is if they tried to use chatroulette on your computer, since the IP address is exclusively to that computer. There is the possibility that you were only temporarily banned, too, so keep checking back with the site.